Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Terrible Things People Have Said on OK Cupid

After not being in any form of a relationship until turning 21, I was part of one relationship for two and half years that got me through the end of college and into the real world, where dating is very different than meeting someone at a bar with a fake ID, and the date being to go to RiteAid to buy coconut rum.

So, when the boyfriend moved to California, after about 4 months of painfully trying to make something long distance work, we broke up. And of course, the only way to get over a break up is to "throw yourself out there." Since now I am a 24 year old who travels a lot for work and no longer drinks, I wasn't sure what I was throwing into. So I started an online dating profile. And it never went anywhere, naturally.

Now, after reuniting with the long distance relationship because him 3000 miles away was still preferable to anything I found in the vicinity, I can't bring myself to delete the ok cupid profile. Why? Maybe because I'm a shallow narcissist who likes having random people tell me I'm too beautiful to be on the website (which I think is a stock reply pre-saved to the emails of all male users of OK Cupid, but I might be wrong). Or, it might be for the occasional gem that arrives in my inbox like those below. These comments are real. There are men in the world that think, this is a great first impression to make on a woman.

Please share any of your personal favorites too!

What's the difference between a wink and a message? Wink should be like a poke on Facebook, but we have to write a message when we wink?

So r you the only child

Why do seagulls fly over the sea??? Because if they flew over a bay they would be bagels! Duh!

I suppose I could write you something thoughtful, but no one ever responds to that, so I'd rather not.

Hmmm are you against all sorts of Conservatives, or just the social side? I'm not really a Republican

that is you in a bowling alley isnt it

it says you reply selectively...did I pass ;)

 I would love a chance to get to know you and see if have any connections and wanna walk together on the journey called Life. 

So how broad is your expertise regarding refinishing furniture? Does that encompass reupholstering as well? I need to get new fabric for an old family chair and have my leather couch repaired... 

BonerliciousBob added you to his favorites list
I see you like dancing. How do you feel about the electric slide? Cause it's kind of my specialty

Dear miss jcf3543467547568585856, 
Either youre using that name to hide from the police or your parents were very cruel to you.

so, like, you want to get married, or something?

Do you ever get booger under your nose ring? LOL

First things first, I assure you I am not a serial killer. Although, I suppose I should warn you that I am definitely a cereal killer.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sources of Frustration on Facebook

I love Facebook. I am devoted, I update from my phone, and sometimes nothing gives me more pleasure than a random stalk of someone I knew 6 years ago. But recently, I have been giving serious consideration to deleting the whole thing.

Why? It's no longer facebook. It's not about silly pictures, or updating interests, or writing little comments on other people's walls. It's become, if its even possible, more selfish than the original intention.

Facebook, when I opened mine 4 months before starting my freshman year in college, was a way to find the people who would be living in your dorm. It was a way to keep tabs on the people you went to high school with and knew you might not see again for 4 years. It was a way to slowly chronologize the foray into college life, and to share pictures that the honorary photographer friend had taken of a crazy night. It was a way to invite people to parties before everyone had unlimited texting.

Now, people don't reach out on Facebook. They talk about themselves, and expect people to be reading and comment. It's not, "How are you?" but "This is how I am, please feel free to comment because I am so very important." I'm guilty as charged on this one too. I love talking about myself, and love even more that people occasionally tend to care.

And really? I don't need to see every engagement ring picture. Every SONOGRAM picture (really??? Isn't this reserved for family???) There are tasteful ways to commemorate these moments, and to make sure your ex- boyfriend or ex-girlfriend now knows you're doing fabulously well. Sample wedding pictures are great, seeing a daily schedule of your wedding planning activities appear on my mini-feed is not.

Facebook is also a great way to self promote- something I do with my jewelry. But I try to tone it down. I have a "page" thats separate for my jewelry, and I try to keep personal posts about Cleanwired down to about every two weeks or so. Fellow artists, entrepreneurs, DJs, etc....... Daily updates are not necessary. They are too much. Let's exercise some restraint here.

Let's also tone it down on political and religious beliefs. Naturally, the people I agree with don't bother me as much as the ones I don't. If people want to know your beliefs on those hot points of frustration, they'll ask.

Don't even get me started on freaking Spotify and the Social Reader and Youtube posts. But if I'm informed one more person is listening to the acoustic cover of "Somebody That I Used to Know," it just might be the last straw.

And now, to continue with self promotion and to tell people I'm writing on my blog again, I'm going to post it to Facebook. Self centered hypocrite like us all.