Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Belated, Better BeLate than Never

So, hat's off to the year's laziest blogger!

Happy New Year from 20,000 of your Favorite Phriends
And a happy and busy new year it is! After the bustle of seeing family, killing my lazy body snowboarding, further killing my lazy body by wandering around New York and dancing my brain off, and seeing more family, I took the past week or so to completely recuperate.

I HAVE been very active on etsy, working on a new piece for the site and a couple custom pieces. I'm hoping to have a new sort of style piece up by the end of the weekend, if not the end of the week. Thanks to some new supplies, including a blow torch (yay!), I'm officially able to expand my market- if the laziness doesn't get to me.

I do promise to get back on a more regular schedule, with more interesting posts that people will enjoy reading more than my random ramblings. That's why I like lists- they keep me focused. That's all for now! And if you're bored, hit up my etsy!

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