Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Creative Use for the Word "Historic"

Another picture post. As I'm finishing up some day time work errands of check depositing and ink purchasing, I pull out behind this lovely vehicle (two letters removed for anonymity purposes).

See that tiny little word below the license plate number? It says "Historic." We see plenty of "historic" vehicles in Montgomery County, MD- old Porsches, various convertibles, the occasional super classic car from the 1950s. But this is the first "historic" 80s rusty mini-van I've ever seen. This of course lead to some google research as to the qualifications for a car to be "Historic" in the state of Maryland. 
Apparently, cars only 20 years old can qualify as historic vehicles. Who new? My lovely Ford Contour is only 8 years away, and my high school Jeep would currently qualify. 2 key facts: the car is NOT allowed to be used for daily driving purposes (note to owner of the above vehicle), and mobile homes and trailers do NOT qualify. I feel like I've learned something today, and hopefully you reading this will too. 

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