Saturday, November 27, 2010

Squaw no Get 'em Firewood

And so snow season begins in the mid-atlantic mountains.

Now going in to their 3rd winter in the woods, my parents have mastered the timing of ordering the winter's worth of firewood. Essentially, an 18 wheeler dumps tons of chopped firewood coincidentally a week or so before my brothers and I come up for some visit or holiday. My dad does do his fair share, I will say that. But I fail to see the purpose in moving the firewood from the huge pile to a careful stack (see lovely stack covered by the tarp). It's really purely for aesthetic purposes only. 

So, after pushing the inevitable wood stacking to the last minute, today was the day of wood stacking. In the snow. And frigid winds. I'm cursing myself for not trying to get this out of the way two days ago when it was about 20 degrees warmer. But now it is done, thanks in large part to Sean for working for about an hour by himself (sucks to be the youngest, doesn't it). Chas, naturally, avoided this year's wood stacking by being on an airplane. Oh well. It's done for now, and next November, hopefully I'll be a little more proactive. 

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