Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tis the Season for Handmade and Unique Gifts

So, now that Thanksgiving is over, everyone has to start buying holiday gifts for their various relatives, work associates, and people you didn't even know you had to buy gifts for until THEY buy you something. Tis the season indeed.

4 months in to my own foray as an Etsy seller, I've decided that with the exception of a couple VERY specific gift names given by my niece and nephews, my goal is to buy everyone's gift on Etsy to support other independent artisans with a dream. I pulled a few of my favorites below.

Montezuma Mud

I already ordered my mom's gift from here! I did pottery for a few years and I'm itching to get back in to it. I love the glazes she uses on her pieces- so unique and earthy!

Dancing Grey Studio

The perfect gift for your indie brother/ cousin/ boyfriend/ secret santa recipient. A pure smelling, all natural leather bound sketch/ writing book. Not for the vegans, obviously. 

The Ink Lab

The great thing about black and white etchings? They go with all decor. I have a personal obsession with trees, and this artist's beautiful and affordable etchings are beautiful. 


Basho was my first exposure to Etsy! I bought a sweater from a booth they had set up at ArtScape in Baltimore two years ago, and I wear it all the time. Amazing, unique t-shirts and sweaters for girls and guys, all in the softest fabrics. Love it!


Yes, this is my website. Yes, this is my blog and I will shamelessly promote my own jewelry. Obviously, Cleanwired is the best source for handmade wire wrapped jewelry, feather earrings, and other goodies. 

Happy shopping! I'd love to know other peoples favorites. 

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